Cats can benefit from specialized veterinary care with a feline veterinarian. We invite you to peruse the following pages, which detail conditions that often affect our feline friends, to learn more.

  • Obesity in Dogs

    Obesity is on the rise, and not just for humans. Dogs are increasingly overweight and even obese. In the United States, an estimated 43 million dogs are overweight or obese - that’s over half of all dogs! And it is not just dogs in the United States that need to lose a few pounds - canine obesity is

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  • Foods to Avoid for Pets on Low Sodium Diets

    Pets afflicted with heart failure or high blood pressure should not be fed salty foods, as they cause fluid to be retained in the body and make it harder for the heart to work. They also can lead to fluid developing in the lungs (pulmonary edema). Most commercial dog foods have a decent level of sodium,

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  • Food Allergies

    Food allergies occasionally occur in dogs and cats. They usually manifest themselves as itchy skin, ear infections, chronic vomiting, or diarrhea. If you suspect that your pet may have a food allergy, you can investigate by performing a food trial. There are three rules for a food trial: 1. Pick a new

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  • Fitting Fiber into Fido's Food Bowl

    Fiber is important because it helps dogs feel full, supports natural, healthy digestion and aids in moving material through their digestive tract. Is there fiber in your pet's food bowl with each meal? Does your pet need fiber, or more fiber? Grains like wheat, barley, corn and rice contribute small

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  • Spring Hazards

    Everyone looks forward to spring with its fresh air, colorful flowers, and sense of renewal. But there are many hazards associated with this season. We should always be on guard when it comes to our pets and potential dangers. Many areas of the country have a problem with snails; people often put snail

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  • Six Tips for Keeping Your Dog Cool

    Many areas of the world are seeing record high temperatures, which makes it even more important to ensure that your pets are kept cool. Veterinarians commonly see dogs with heat stroke, but most of these cases could easily have been averted with some easy precautions. The following six tips will help

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  • Preparing Your Pet for the Winter

    This winter, while you curl up next to the fire with a cozy blanket, a good book and some hot chocolate, don't forget about your pet! Winter can play it rough with your pet and you have to look out for his health and well-being. Here are some preparations you should make to help your pet prepare for

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  • Prepare Your Pets for Halloween

    Halloween is right around the corner! Whether you are planning on participating in the spookiest night of the year —Halloween — it is likely that people in your neighborhood are. This means that the streets will be filled with loud noises, new faces and all manner of things that can stress out your

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  • Keeping Pets Cool This Summer

    For humans, that means better beach days and much needed vacations, but for your animals, the warmer weather can be dangerous. Even the healthiest pets can suffer from dehydration and heat exhaustion, so it’s important to take proper precautions and protect your pets from overheating. By following

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  • Holiday Hazards for Pets

    The holidays are fun, even for pets, but the season brings added danger for animal companions. Learn to recognize and manage holiday hazards to keep your pet safe during the festivities. Tinsel Tinsel is attractive, especially to cats. Tinsel is not toxic but consuming tinsel can cause serious harm

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  • Keep Your Pets Safe During Fireworks Season

    Fireworks are the perfect ending to any summer celebration, but while you are oohing and aahing as the night sky lights up, your dog or cat may be cowering in fear. Luckily, there are a few things you can do to keep your furry friend safe, calm and happy during a fireworks show. Why Are Fireworks So

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  • Living with a Handicapped Pet

    Strokes, vision problems, arthritis and other conditions don't just affect people. Pets also develop serious health problems that change their lives. Fortunately, you can help your handicapped pet enjoy a comfortable, happy life by making a few modifications to your home. Make Your Home Accessible Many

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  • Seasonal Allergies Can Make Your Pet Miserable

    Winter is quickly becoming a distant memory as the days warm up and plants and trees come into bloom. Unfortunately, the change in seasons can cause unpleasant symptoms for pets that suffer from seasonal allergies. Because dogs and cats do not experience the same allergy symptoms as people, you might

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  • Pet-Friendly Exercises Offer Benefits for Both You and Your Pet

    Looking for a devoted workout partner? Consider exercising with your pet.

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  • Protect Your Pet from Painful Paw Pad Burns

    Have you ever tried to walk across the beach barefoot on a very hot day? After the first few steps, you probably set a new speed record as you sprinted to the water, or maybe you gave in and put on your sandals before taking another step. Your pet experiences the same reaction during summer walks on

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  • Does Your Dog Suffer From Anxiety?

    Anxious dogs tend to act out in ways their people do not like. If you have ever returned home to discover shredded pillows or bite marks on your front door, you are probably familiar with the consequences of anxiety. Understanding why your dog is anxious is the key to helping your dog overcome this common problem.

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