Cats can benefit from specialized veterinary care with a feline veterinarian. We invite you to peruse the following pages, which detail conditions that often affect our feline friends, to learn more.

  • Pet Travel Tips

    Are you planning to hit the road with your pets this summer? Whether you are planning a lengthy family road trip or a quick summer getaway, there are some important things you need to know before making the decision to travel with your pets. Use the following tips to guarantee a safe and stress-free

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  • Pets Can Teach Children How to Nurture and Care

    Gail Melson, author of Why the Wild Things Are: Animals in the Lives of Children has been watching animals and children for some time. She estimates that of every ten children, four grow up in a home that includes domestic animals. She has determined that as many as 90 percent of all youngsters live

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  • Pets With Benefits

    Have you ever noticed that you tend to feel better when you are around your pet? You are not alone. Recent studies show that nearly 50 percent of Americans find stress relief from their pets. Whether you own a dog, a cat or a lizard, pets offer companionship that can be greatly beneficial for your physical

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  • Pigs as Family Pets

    You and your family may be charmed with the thought of adding a pet pig to your home. Many people have moved forward with finding their new pet, yet not taken the steps to provide appropriately for their pig. And themselves. As small and unassuming as a small pig might seem, there are considerations

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  • Ready for a Rabbit? Think Again!

    "After cats and dogs, rabbits are the species most often surrendered to animal shelters," advises the Humane Society of the Unite States. "Most rabbits lose their homes because of "people reasons," such as a move or the owner's inability or unwillingness to care for the animal, not because the rabbit

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  • Preparing Your Pet for the Arrival of a New baby

    Helping your pet adjust to the arrival of a new baby is much like preparing a young child for a new sibling. An infant brings many changes to a household, however, you can help your pet adjust to the big changes with minimal time and effort by making gradual adjustments to your lifestyle before the baby

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  • Take Preventative Measures When Sleeping With Pets

    Adults and children oftentimes enjoy sleeping with household pets. They can keep us warm, feel comfortable, make us feel safe and loved. They may lick our faces, hands or other exposed areas before or during sleeping time. Scratches and bites, wounds, abscesses, ulcerations or other breaks in the

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  • Ten Tips to Keep Kids and Pets Safe

    Parents love both their children and their pets. Many pet owners even call their pets fur children. But it is important to create a safe and healthy environment for both children and pets. We especially worry about parasite and bacterial transmission from animals to people, although the reverse can occur

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  • The Myth of Natural

    Pet owners occasionally tell veterinarians they are reluctant to use prescription medicine, spot-on flea products, heartworm preventatives, etc, because they would rather use something that is "natural." They are afraid of chemicals, and would rather use something that is organic or natural. But what

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  • Ringworm in Cats and Dogs

    Ringworm is not actually caused by a worm, but rather by a fungus that infects the outer layer of skin and hair. It is a zoonotic disease, meaning it can be transmitted from pets to humans, or people to pets. There are numerous species of ringworm. It is most commonly recognized in cats (often kittens)

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  • Orthopedic Care for Dogs

    Joint problems plague dogs just as commonly as they do humans. That's why orthopedic care can improve your beloved friend's quality of life. Common Orthopedic Issues A dog's joint problems may result from a variety of orthopedic injuries and illnesses. In some cases, these vulnerabilities are partly

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  • Natural Stress Relief for Pets

    One of the most common complaints from pet owners is that their pets are destructive or disruptive when they are left alone. Dogs may bark, howl, chew, dig, defecate or urinate. Although these behaviors are often a sign that dogs need to be housebroken or crate trained, they can also indicate that a

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  • How to Take Care of Your Pet's Nails

    Many pets dislike having their feet touched and their nails trimmed. Owners worry that they may hurt their pets especially if the pet struggles when having their nails cut. This is probably why many owners take their pets to their veterinarians or groomers to have this done. If you are thinking of trimming

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  • Home Dental Care

    Home dental care for your cat or dog has the same goal as home dental care for yourself, to remove dental plaque. Plaque is the sticky, whitish film with the bad taste and offensive odor that accumulates inside the mouth. Plaque is about 85% bacteria and will mineralize to form tartar. Plaque accumulation

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  • Flea Preventative Medications: Oral vs. Topical

    Fleas are not only a source of irritation and frustration, but they also pose a serious health threat to animals. These tiny external parasites can carry a variety of diseases, including bubonic plague, and severe infestations may cause deadly levels of blood loss in very small or young pets, according

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  • Fleas, the Frustrating Pest

    Consider the following scenario: You arrive home from a long flight from a wonderful, two-week vacation. As you drive home, you remind yourself the boarding kennel is already closed and you have to wait until tomorrow to pick up your dog, Max. You finally walk in the front door, happy to be home. As

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